Keywords: poultry farming, entrepreneurship, production, sustainable development, forms of management, business processes


The article actualizes the problems of effective development of small forms of entrepreneurship in the poultry industry in modern conditions, increasing business sustainability in the context of crisis and military operations. Based on the study of the dynamics and structure of poultry livestock by categories of farms, the prospects of certain categories of producers in increasing the volume of poultry production are determined. It has been established that farms provide significant increases in poultry population, are able to effectively develop the industry on the basis of available feed, land and other resources, and the introduction of modern technologies. The grouping of enterprises by the number of poultry indicates a high level of concentration of production in the industry and a small number of enterprises specializing in the production of poultry products. The article identifies the reasons for the failure and destruction of large specialized poultry complexes during the war, in particular due to excessive concentration of production, dependence on external supplies of energy and feed resources, and dispersion of the logistics system over a large area in different regions. It has been established that in the structure of agricultural poultry species, egg and meat chickens have an advantage, so the market niche for growing other types of poultry can be used by small businesses to meet market needs and their own competitive advantages. A model for the development of the industry in the system of territorial communities based on the creation of production cooperatives and integration associations with feed mills, activation of small and medium-sized businesses, family, farm and households has been developed and proposed for implementation. The use and practical implementation of such models will help stabilize the situation in the industry in the face of negative environmental influences and increase the resilience of local systems at the level of individual AHs and regions. It is proved that rapid adaptation and resumption of work in the post-crisis period or post-war period can be ensured by small business structures that have not lost their production potential and have the resources to reproduce organizational and technological processes.


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How to Cite
Avercheva, N. (2022). ENSURING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF POULTRY FARMING ON THE BASIS OF SMALL BUSINESSES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (14), 16-25. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2022.14.2