• Oleksandr Averchev Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Kropyvnytskyi
  • Hanna Fesenko Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Kropyvnytskyi
Keywords: cultivation, cereal crops, rice, millet, buckwheat


The purpose of the article is to study the production and prospects of growing cereal crops in Ukraine. In recent years, the domestic market of Ukraine has observed a decrease in demand for rice and buckwheat grains, which, in our opinion, is connected with the general increase in prices in this market segment. Consumers prefer cheaper types of cereals. At the same time, the situation on the buckwheat market may change in the new season thanks to government programs. Ukraine has everything necessary for the development of its own rice farming industry. Favorable natural and climatic conditions of the South of Ukraine, availability of engineering rice irrigation systems, close cooperation and commonwealth of the Institute of Rice with commodity producers, varieties of domestic selection, ecologically clean growing technology allow to obtain high yields. Countries with a monsoon climate, which harvest twice a year due to weather conditions, have not much higher, and sometimes lower, rice yields than Ukraine receives. The development of horizontal connections based on the market infrastructure allows to maintain and, accordingly, regulate market relations in the grain economy. In this connection, there is a need to develop new elements of the market infrastructure, to provide them with the necessary legal and economic power. The creation of conditions for the effective functioning of raw material zones of the grain market requires the application of a set of measures that regulate the process of transition to market relations and at the same time allow it to form and develop with its inherent elements: freedom of entrepreneurship, the right of the producer to dispose of his products and income, competition, elimination of monopoly , pricing depending on supply and demand, etc. In modern conditions, the market of cereal crops acts as an objective necessity, which provides an opportunity to improve the country's provision of grain at the expense of its own production, and increase its efficiency. However, the orientation of the large economy to market relations, as a means of automatically solving all its problems, will not be able to radically change the state of affairs in the production, sale and use of grain in the coming years, since the legislative and regulatory framework is not yet fully formed. Thus, despite difficult weather conditions, the cereal industry ensures sustainable production, which guarantees the country's food and economic security. Cereal crops are the basis for the formation and maintenance of the state's strategic food, fodder and export balance at the appropriate level.


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How to Cite
Averchev, O., & Fesenko, H. (2022). ANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF GROWING AND PRODUCTION OF BUCKWHEAT, MILLET AND RICE IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (14), 7-15.