Keywords: taxes, digitalization, information, digital platform


The article states that the digital fiscal environment for a taxpayer - an individual - is, first of all, his personal account, and access to it is possible both within the official website of the fiscal authorities and from the mobile application. It has been proven that the results of the measures adopted by the fiscal authorities to expand the digital environment and increase the efficiency of tax control are ultimately manifested in the growth of tax revenues in the budget system of Ukraine. In addition to the presented possibility of submitting tax reports through the website of the DPS of Ukraine and carrying out economic activities within the framework of the "Single Tax" regime, fiscal authorities provide many other digital services that can be voluntarily used by taxpayers for the purpose of interaction in the digital environment as directly within the official portal, as well as through mobile applications of fiscal authorities. Various examples acquired from world experience can be useful for Ukraine as well. This applies both to the development and introduction of new digital technologies, and to the improvement of already existing services in order to improve the quality of their work. The proposed model, which is based on a digital platform, reflects all the main elements that will contribute to mitigating existing and possible obstacles in the interaction of fiscal authorities and taxpayers. The first most important point is that when solving such a task as deciphering the digital fiscal environment, the fiscal authorities must remain traditional channels of interaction with taxpayers. It can be concluded that the implementation and development of digitalization in the field of fiscal management will have a rather positive effect on its effectiveness as a whole and will allow to gradually abandon the conduct of direct tax audits at the enterprise. At the same time, this will lead to the creation of incentives for taxpayers to voluntarily pay all their tax obligations due. In addition, digitalization does not impose a tax component as a competitive advantage on the market, which leads to more favorable conditions for the development and implementation of entrepreneurial activities.


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How to Cite
Гавриленко, Н., Hryshchenko, O., & Kozitska, N. (1). MODERNIZATION OF FISCAL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 198-208.