• Svitlana Yudina Dnipro State Technical University
  • Olga Sitnik Dnipro State Technical University
Keywords: metallurgical industry, enterprise, profit, financial results of activity, optimization, control, system of factors, external factors, internal factors


The article is devoted to a new interpretation of the role, place and content of approaches to determining financial results through optimization and control, which are aimed at ensuring a stable financial result. A system of indicators, implementation of which generally characterizes the profitable activity of the enterprise, is given. Methodological difficulties were identified when considering the system of main indicators characterizing the financial results of the enterprise, which consist in differences in the assignment of indicators for different stakeholders. The profit function of the enterprise is given. The definition of the formation of fish stocks is given as the process of generating income and making expenses through their optimization and continuous control. It was determined that at the stage of distribution of net profit, along with the implementation of the function of economic value, the formation of a strategic vision by the company's top management of its development prospects is ensured. It has been proven that analyzing the influence of various factors allows management actions to be taken to generate profit in a certain amount. Based on the analysis of literary sources, a system of factors that influence the formation of profit at the enterprise is proposed. A brief description of external and internal factors is provided. It has been proven that a large number of various factors affect the formation of the financial results of the enterprise. These factors characterize the financial and economic activity of enterprises from different angles. The order in which profit is distributed is determined, namely: determination of the direction of profit use; formation of the target structure of the distribution of the company's profit; determination of the most priority directions in the use of profit; to balance the needs for profit according to the most priority areas of its use with the possibilities of obtaining profit during the production and economic activities of the enterprise. Conclusions were made regarding the characteristics of profit as the most important financial and economic category and the need to conduct an analysis to identify mutually influencing factors that determine the size of the company's profit.


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How to Cite
Yudina , S., & Sitnik, O. (1). FACTORS AFFECTING THE VOLUME OF PROFIT OF THE ENTERPRISE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 184-190. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2022.13.22