• Alik Trikilo Dniprovsky State Technical University
  • Andriy Dragun Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
  • Judith Felix Dniprovsky State Technical University
Keywords: assets, investment portfolio, asset yield, risk, investment portfolio structure, reserves, enterprise


The article proposes the approach of forming a portfolio of enterprise assets with the aim of forming reserves to ensure the economic security of an enterprise operating in conditions of instability and uncertainty. It is proposed to form a portfolio of 10 types of assets. The rationale for such a number of assets in the investment portfolio is given. The principle of diversification is the basis of the selection of assets of the enterprise's investment portfolio. The approach includes several stages. The first includes the selection of potential types of assets based on profitability and cost criteria. At this stage, a selection of 20 assets that are on open sale takes place. At the second stage, an analysis of assets is carried out, which includes the determination of individual indicators that characterize them. Namely: profitability and risk. The algorithm for determining the average return and risk is given. An improved approach to determining the indicator characterizing the riskiness of an asset is proposed. It is proposed to determine it not only on the basis of correlation with the PFTS stock exchange index, but also on other macroeconomic indicators that reflect the state of the economy in the country and are factors that affect the value of assets and its change over time. Indicators are given in tabular form, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the appropriate correlation coefficient and to determine which factors have the greatest influence on the profitability of assets and their value. At the third stage, there is a selection from the system of potential assets based on profitability and risk indicators based on ranking. At the fourth stage, assets that do not meet the established criteria are excluded from further analysis. At the fifth stage, the structure of the investment portfolio is determined from the assets remaining after the profitability and risk analysis. At the sixth stage, it is proposed to optimize the portfolio based on the strategy chosen by the investor. The proposed approach is represented by the sequence of implementation stages. Calculations in tabular form. On the basis of the proposed approach to portfolio modeling, variants of admissible effective portfolios of enterprise assets were calculated. According to the first and second version of the portfolio, the expected return is determined. Conclusions have been made.


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How to Cite
Trikilo, A., Dragun, A., & Felix, J. (1). METHODICAL APPROACH TO FORMATION OF PORTFOLIO ASSETS OF THE ENTERPRISE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 171-183.