Keywords: food market, regional food market, effective functioning, factors, structural distribution


Based on the analysis of literary sources, a proper definition of the concept of “food market” was formed - it is a system of certain economic relationships between consumers and producers of agricultural products on the basis of supply and demand, provided by production, economic and logistical connections between agriculture, food industry and trade food products. The main characteristics and possibilities of the functioning of the food market in the context of their structural distribution are summarized. Since, it is necessary to consider the structure of the food market both as a set of regional markets for the sale of a specific type of product, where producers compete with each other, and as a set of industries that provide not only production, but also distribution and storage of these products. Having considered the features and basic conditions of functioning of the regional food market, a number of factors affecting the effective functioning of such markets are summarized. It was determined that the level of development of the food market can be characterized by analyzing the dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators. A number of advantages and disadvantages regarding the sale of products for local producers on regional food markets have been determined. The conditions for the effective functioning of regional food markets are substantiated, namely: the formation of a healthy competitive environment that would ensure both the saturation and balancing of products on the market and the maintenance of an equal weight between supply and demand; balanced interaction of market mechanisms of market regulation and state-administrative levers; creation of effective investment and credit mechanisms; creation of such conditions for both manufacturers and intermediaries for the sale of products on regional markets, which make it possible to satisfy the interests of consumers as much as possible; the state should primarily protect the interests of the national producer, and the local authorities should protect the interests of the regional (local) producer, which provides jobs, which means a stable income for the population in the regions, which in turn creates a stable demand in consumer markets.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, T., & Rodina, O. (1). CONDITIONS OF EFFECTIVE FUNCTIONING OF REGIONAL FOOD MARKETS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 163-170.