Keywords: automation, tourism, business, recovery, management


The topicality of the topic lies in the need to conduct comprehensive research on the formation of approaches to the automation of management of a modern tourist enterprise, which is a large complex mechanism, in the post-war conditions of business recovery. The purpose of the article is to introduce the proposed management automation approaches into the practice of tourist enterprises, which will contribute to the rapid and effective recovery of business in post-war conditions. Research methods: comparison, generalization, logical-structural, analytical-research. The basic task for the majority of tourist enterprises in the post-war recovery of business is formulated, which consists in the implementation of modern management methods with the simultaneous development of a new technological environment. It was determined that many actual problems of implementing corporate systems in the field of tourism can be solved with the help of information technologies, namely business engineering methods. A list of principle positions and conditions for introducing business engineering into the enterprise management system has been created. The basic stages of the work on the creation of information systems of tourist enterprises are highlighted. The main components of the consolidated model of the tourist enterprise are schematically presented. A graphically decomposed model of a tourist enterprise with a detailed description of individual components is presented. It was concluded that the correct scenario of automation of management does not start with the introduction of a unique software system, but with the establishment of the management of a tourist enterprise with the help of fairly simple software tools. It is noted that first the model of the future management system is formed, in which the individual components are assembled into a single whole, and their relationships are prescribed and optimized, and only after that one should proceed to the selection of executive software systems. The practical value of the article lies in making effective decisions regarding the construction of an automated management system.


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How to Cite
Tsviliy, S., Kuklina, T., & Zaitseva, V. (1). AUTOMATION OF ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF POST-WAR RECOVERY OF THE TOURISM BUSINESS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 143-149.