The article examines the conditions of functioning of enterprises of the agro-industrial sector in the field of marketing. The main directions of ensuring the further development of this sector of the economy have been studied. It was established that the organization of marketing activities in the agricultural sector in the field of foreign trade is designed to solve the following tasks: maximum satisfaction of the needs of buyers in the world markets in food products in terms of quantity, quality and consumer properties; implementation of interregional exchange; access to domestic and foreign markets. It was determined that, based on today's economic and social realities, it is most rational to create a marketing service based on market-functional characteristics, when marketing specialists manage various functions of international marketing activities. A scheme for the organization of the export marketing service at agro-industrial complex enterprises has been developed according to market-functional characteristics. A model for improving the mechanism of marketing activity of enterprises in the agro-industrial sector is proposed. It was determined that forecasting the market, developing a strategy and planning one's actions on the market, forming market demand are the main principles of the marketing concept of management in the middle of the enterprise. Effective means of increasing the efficiency of the export marketing activity of agro-industrial complex enterprises have been determined, namely the pooling of resources and coordinated activities with the aim of defending common interests in authorities, forming and advertising new types of products on foreign markets, conducting foreign economic activities, developing foreign economic marketing cooperation of producers of agro-industrial complex products. The developed model for improving the mechanism of marketing activities of agro-industrial complex enterprises in the sphere of foreign trade will provide an opportunity to: increase the volume of exports of products of the processing sphere of the agro-industrial complex; improve forecasting of the impact of external factors; maximize the profits of the respective enterprises; predict the influence of environmental factors.
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