Keywords: intellectual resources, intellectual capital, organizational resources, knowledge, information


In today's economy, knowledge, information and creativity of entrepreneurs and employees are the resources without which it is impossible to create a truly commercially successful and profitable product. The level of involvement and efficiency of knowledge and information in the production process determine the volume and quality of products, as well as the competitiveness and self-sufficiency of the country's economy, its place and role in the world economic space. The dynamic development of the market environment requires the formation of sustainable competitive advantages, the search for alternative directions and tools to improve the efficiency of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms. The development of effective, adapted to modern conditions of development of enterprise management mechanisms is impossible without comprehensive and systematic management of intellectual resources, namely the part that operates in the external environment. The formation of an effective strategy for the development of enterprises in conditions of uncertainty and dynamism of the external economic environment requires the use of all available resources. The role of intellectual capital of the enterprise is extremely important in today's market conditions, as its constituent elements directly affect the performance and value creation for all counterparties. Such values include: increasing profitability, market value, cost optimization, improving the efficiency of all available resources, developing innovation potential, increasing investment attractiveness, ensuring sustainable competitive advantages and market positions of the company and more. Improving the efficiency of intellectual capital management, as a set of intellectual resources, is a priority task that is relevant for all enterprises of Ukraine. The whole structure of the modern economic system is beginning to be rebuilt in a direction that allows you to work most effectively with the most important resource of the economy, which is information resources. The economic significance of production is increasingly defined as the availability of traditional, and mainly the use of information resources and technologies.


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How to Cite
Lagodiienko, V., Popkova, S., & Popkova , S. (1). INTELLECTUAL RESOURCES AS THE BASIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS STRUCTURES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 92-98.