Keywords: engineering, engineering activities, innovations, international experience, derivatives


Domestic engineering is in its infancy and is gradually becoming one of the key factors in the development of an innovative economy. In recent years, financial engineering has been a topical topic for domestic companies looking to improve their performance. The article defines the definition of engineering, examines the scope of the world the engineering services market, its development, and the components that affect it functioning. Development of scientific and technological progress, growth of investments, free capital and other factors have led to the creation of international one’s engineering services markets. The basic concepts of engineering, problems of functioning of financial engineering instruments under modern conditions are considered. The foreign experience of financial engineering is analyzed and its comparison with the domestic one. The basic directions of its development are determined and the possibilities of using the world achievements of engineering in the conditions of the domestic economy are investigated. The basic modern trends and vectors for the development of international engineering. Ukraine's place in the international is determined engineering. The leading companies, their success factors and the essence of their activity are analyzed. The problems and prospects of development of the engineering market in Ukraine are outlined. Selected key measures that businesses should use and that should pay attention drafters of bills. The conclusions are formulated and the following directions are outlined research. The main international associations of engineering companies and the largest individual representatives of this business are listed. In view of the foreign experience, the importance of forming an engineering consortium is indicated. The role and importance of foreign engineering companies in the field of innovative economic development are described and the scope of their activity is described. The urgency of the chosen topic is caused by the need for changes in the use of financial engineering products in the world banking, in the countries of the world and in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Povod, T., & Advokatova, N. (2020). FINANCIAL ENGINEERING: WORLD TRENDS AND DOMESTIC REALITIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 214-220. Retrieved from