Keywords: ethics, business ethics, communications, efficiency, management, information support, financial and economic sphere, ethical values


This publication considers the importance of business ethics in the financial and economic sphere to achieve the planned indicators of efficiency and profitability. The purpose of this scientific article is to study the importance of business ethics in ensuring the effectiveness of financial and economic activities, including the justification of the principles of establishing a favorable level of partnership to solve business problems. It is established in the article that economic activity, business, management can be successfully carried out only on condition of observance of the generally accepted ethical norms. The essence and components of business ethics are studied, in particular the use of principles and norms of business ethics influences the culture of business partnership based on trust, integrity, honesty, ability to keep one's word, impossibility of deception, irresponsibility, abuse of trust, and ethical attitude of the entrepreneur. to its employees, which provides decisions and actions of entrepreneurs aimed at improving the living standards of both employees of the organization and society as a whole. It is proved that modern management should be based on ethical values. According to the results of the research, the principles of ethics of business communications in the financial and economic sphere (individual approach, clear language for the client, business approach to communication, impeccable appearance, strict adherence to its status role, speech etiquette, preparation for communication, etc.) are systematized. each of them and identified the mandatory components of a special document regulating the rules of professional ethics and business communications in organizations. The list of obligatory components of business ethics which should be approved and implemented at the enterprise is established, including: the basic principles and rules of conduct; common values and principles of customer service; standards of customer service, including meeting, main conversation, conflict resolution and dispute resolution; standards of communication in telephone mode and correspondence, etc.


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How to Cite
Ivanchenkova, L., Kozak, K., & Dolynska, O. (1). THE IMPORTANCE OF BUSINESS ETHICS IN ENSURING THE EFFICIENCY OF FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 85-91.