Keywords: socio-economic motivation, motivation mechanism, motivation method, motivation methods, motivation levers, motivation tools


The main approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of motivational mechanism are determined. The socio-economic mechanism involves the formation of a complex system of regulators of economic behavior and the development of methodological support, which includes tools, levers, methods of motivation, a set of incentives and the formation of individual and corporate motivation programs. The basic principles of formation of the socio-economic mechanism in the company and its purpose are substantiated. The general (regulatory, communication, explanatory, corrective, controlling) and specific (target, socialization, career, creative, cooperation, mobility, humanization) functions of socio-economic motivation in the modern business environment are characterized. The mechanism of socio-economic motivation has been improved, which should include methods, tools and levers, both economic and social, that would allow to effectively achieve the company's goals and the needs of employees. Social methods include such levers as security, communication, development and temporal. The economic methods include monetary, participatory, preferential, material non-monetary, as well as knowledge. The main instruments of social and economic components of motivation are analyzed. The basic requirements for diagnostics and regulation of the level of socio-economic motivation in the company are characterized. It is recommended to carry out diagnostics in the following areas: the level of satisfaction of the needs of employees and the interests of the company, the effectiveness of motivation, the effectiveness of incentives and the study of the strength of motivators. Two directions of motivation assessment are allocated: economic and social. The economic efficiency of the motivational mechanism contributes to the increase of labor efficiency, the growth of material well-being of the staff and the level of profitability of the company. Social effectiveness, in turn, contributes to the self-development of personnel and their level of security, the acquisition of a high social status of the individual in society, the formation of job satisfaction among the company's personnel and the emergence of a sense of belonging, as well as the systemic process of humanization of work.


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How to Cite
Zamroz, M., & Kul’chytska, L. (1). FORMATION OF THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC MOTIVATION MECHANISM IN THE STAFF OF THE ENTERPRISE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 78-84.