Keywords: hotel and restaurant business, strategic analysis, management, development, enterprise economy


The article presents the results of a study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the operation of hotel and restaurant business enterprises in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine. The main trends in the development of the global hotel industry have been determined, which are: the further growth of the hotel and restaurant business; formation of transnational hotel chains and associations; diversification of the hotel business. Taking into account the theory and practice of strategic management, the management indicators of hotel business enterprises are summarized, methodical approaches and tools for the formation of a balanced system of indicators and strategic maps of the development of hotel business enterprises based on the integrational approach and the formation of cluster associations of hotel and restaurant business enterprises are proposed. In the course of the study, the activity and strategic management of hotel complexes was evaluated, taking into account factors of social and economic influence. Based on the analysis of the main performance indicators of the hotel and restaurant business enterprises of Ukraine, global and domestic trends, the matrix of SWOT analysis, the goals of the development of hotel complexes are determined. The strategy is based on goals related to: ensuring the needs and demand of visitors in accommodation and recreation, improving the quality of hotel and restaurant service to international standards and the efficiency of using the potential of the cluster, stimulating sustainable socio-economic development of the Kharkiv region. The next stage of the research consisted of working out a strategy for the development of hotel and restaurant business enterprises and the development of a system of tasks and measures to implement the set goals by means of a hierarchical decomposition of the family of sub-goals of the second level. Scientific principles have been brought to the level of methodical generalizations and applied toolkit, which enable managers of hotel business enterprises to make informed management decisions regarding the integration and formation of the strategic management system for hotel and restaurant business enterprises.


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How to Cite
Balatska, N., Kalienik, K., & Skrynnik, V. (1). TRENDS OF DEVELOPMENT AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 62-71.