Keywords: tourism, development, destination, tourism potential, tourist attraction of the territory


The development of tourism in Ukraine and, in particular, the Kiev region, is strategically necessary and beneficial, because of the region has a large number of natural and recreational resources and potential destinations that have not received proper marketing support and appropriate branding. The potential of the region is immense, as it has the opportunity to develop in almost all areas of tourism, such as: MICE, recreational, educational, ecological, etc. Therefore, to analyze the tourism resources of the region, their potential, describe the current stage of development and innovative implementation in the field of tourism, highlight existing and potential tourist destinations, which will be taken into account in the development of tours, reveal existing projects for the overall development of tourism, justify and describe activities, which are held to increase the level of tourist activity and improve tourism in general, set the direction for the further development of tourism in the area, it is imperative. The development of tourism in the country is an important mission to establish international relations and establish appropriate profitable market relations. Ukraine has many regions and regions that have a strong resource base and, at the same time, a sustainable tourist and recreational potential. However, at this stage, this potential is not realized in some way, due to which many opportunities for the implementation of projects beneficial to the country are lost. Kyiv region is one of the regions of Ukraine that has a strong tourist and recreational resource base and the corresponding potential, but at the same time slow progress in the development of the brand of the territory. The region has many historical and cultural monuments, a large natural resource reserve, has an almost universal resource base, which provides an opportunity to develop many areas and types of tourism. Positive moments in the organization of tourist information centers and projects in the region are being followed, which provides opportunities for the tourist to become more familiar with the destinations and discover new interesting places for familiarization and inspection. At the same time, the involvement of local authorities should be carried out more actively, while ensuring the safety of tourists in modern conditions.


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How to Cite
Antonenko, I., & Masiuk, V. (1). STATE AND PROSPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN THE KYIV REGION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 54-61.