Keywords: renewable energy sources, energy, alternative energy, safety in the energy field, systematic safety, use of RES


The level of the energy potential of Ukraine in comparison with European countries regarding the practical implementation of modern approaches and means of implementation of renewable energy sources is determined. Dissatisfaction with the state of the environment, as well as the level of energy deficit in Europe and domestic energy systems, suggest the need for theoretical and practical implementation of overcoming the difficulties of energy supply for industry and the population in the direction of the use in the life of various types of renewable energy sources. Rationality and limitations in the process of using organic resources in today's conditions create conditions for humanity to carry out its economic activities in such ways for about 50 years. Which, as an investigation, will necessarily cause at the global level the problem of the lack of energy to ensure any economic activity. Therefore, under today's conditions, the promising directions of the development of world energy generation in terms of the search for new approaches to the generation of renewable energy acquire a rather particular substantive importance.In general, the natural factors of our country fully allow the use of several different renewable energy sources, such as wind energy, solar energy, water energy, and hydrogen energy. The peculiarities of practical management of the economy in industry and the everyday life of citizens make it possible to use and sell artificial products quite widely, among which it is worth noting: emissions of thermal energy, which have a place permanently in the activities of a wide range of industrial enterprises and organizations, combustible gas at enterprises in coal mining industry; waste from agricultural, household and industrial origin; products resulting from solid household waste processing; generation of alternative products-generators of alternative energy from agricultural waste. We believe that the practical implementation of tasks related to the development of energy produced using alternative sources in Ukraine, first of all, requires: the formation of a national-personal model for the development of the so-called "separate" energy industry with practically effective regulatory and legal instruments specifically for each type renewable energy source; a clear outline of the state's incentive policy for preferential policies for both producers and energy consumers; a constant search for alternative ways to attract additional funding to the RES sector.


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How to Cite
Pavlov, K., Pavlova, O., & Matiichuk, L. (1). FEATURES OF THE SECURITY SYSTEM IN THE SPHERE OF APPLICATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (13), 37-45. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2022.13.4