The article highlights the need for internal control and involvement of an external auditor in the process of purchasing, maintaining and selling inventories. They are the most important part of the accounting of commercial enterprises, as they are the object of operating activities, which account for the largest percentage of revenues and expenditures, and therefore this topic is quite relevant for processing. The purpose of writing the article is to find directions and stages of internal control at the trading company, as well as to voice the need for an audit to find additional capacity for the enterprise. In the process of writing the article used such research methods as: observation, which obtained generalized data and characteristics of objects of control, the experiment carried out during the study to reproduce the conditions necessary to study the possibilities of internal control, analysis schedule of control for its individual components for in-depth study, synthesis, which further combines the parts obtained during the analysis and others. The implementation of internal control will help the company to create an effective inventory system, ensure 100% sale of inventory balances during their expiration date, will facilitate the timely detection of errors in transactions related to the receipt, internal movement and sale of available goods. Involvement of the auditor will identify errors in the preparation of financial statements, establish the appropriateness of the use of a costing method, the use of the chosen method of depreciation, as well as the method of writing off inventories. An auditor's inventory, review of inventory movement documentation, and comparison of accounting data with financial statements will influence the auditor's opinion on the conclusions. Examining this topic shows that any commercial enterprise, carrying out internal control and external audit, will be able to further attract the potential for additional income, prevent errors in the process, allow to systematize all information about inventories, and help automate the accounting system accounting and preparation of financial statements in terms of inventory accounting.
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