Keywords: automation, human resources, the latest technologies, business process optimization, personnel management, chat bot, artificial intelligence, HR-managers


The article analyzes the possibility of using artificial intelligence systems in personnel management, as in modern conditions this technology is one of the most modern tools that can be used in all sectors of the economy. It was found that AI opens qualitatively new opportunities in the field of many management processes, increasing the efficiency of their implementation at all levels, complementing the limited human capabilities. In particular, in the search for talent, which is one of the key responsibilities of human resources, AI technology allows you to optimize this process, relying more on the analytical processing of large amounts of information, rather than personal judgment. Highlights the main benefits and potential of artificial intelligence technologies that are consistent with the available HR functions for all stages of the employee's life cycle: operational efficiency, recruitment, adaptation, talent management, strategic planning, career growth and leadership change. There are also questions about the potential dangers that may arise in the process of implementing artificial intelligence technologies. The level of readiness and the degree of involvement of managers in the introduction of new technologies in personnel management is determined. The ethical issues that may arise when using artificial intelligence systems in HR business processes are highlighted, in particular the issue of strengthening employer dominance over employees in the performance of functional duties through new artificial intelligence tools for monitoring and control of employees and measures to prevent and address these problems.


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How to Cite
Chernenko, N. (2022). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (12), 76-83.