The article considers topical problems of training specialists in the field of entrepreneurship, trade, hospitality and ways to solve them. Today, trade, small and medium enterprises are the main and one of the most popular and attractive components that affect the development and balance of the labor market and lead to positive structural changes in the national economy. There are many prestigious professions in the field of entrepreneurship and trade that require professional and higher education. In this regard, quality education is currently considered as one of the main indicators of quality of life, an instrument of social and cultural harmony and economic growth. Restraining factors for the development of youth entrepreneurship: the absence of a clear legal definition of "youth entrepreneurship" insufficient use of innovative potential of young people, the poor quality of secondary education, low employment rate of young people in the labor market according to the acquired education, lack of motivation and skills for independent acquisition of knowledge, lack of professional and specific knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, theoretical support and expertise. The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems of training specialists in the field of fertilization and entrepreneurship to find ways to solve them. It is proved that the constant improvement of teaching methods and the search for effective teaching aids for modeling professional activities is an important task in the training of future professionals in trade and entrepreneurship. Thus, specialized university education should form young people's business skills. Today, the priorities of higher education institutions are to work with stakeholders to adapt educational programs, work with business trainers, open business training centers and use modern software in educational activities, which are aimed at acquiring business skills and small business. Creating favorable conditions for stimulating young people to entrepreneurship and the formation of professional competencies and practical skills today - in 10 years will determine the country's image in the world. After all, the pace of economic growth and development of our country in the future will depend on the development of modern youth entrepreneurship.
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