The insurance market of Ukraine in modern conditions, as well as the economy of our state is now in the context of global change. The dynamic changes taking place today in the development of the state necessitate the study of current trends and the search for ways to regulate the insurance market. The article examines the current state of the insurance market of Ukraine, in particular, analyzes the dynamics of the number of insurance companies, the main indicators of insurers, the structure of gross and net insurance premiums of insurers and their rating positions. The main focus of the study is aimed at the main trends of the insurance services market of Ukraine and the identification of areas of development of the insurance market of Ukraine. This made it possible to identify the most acute problems in the functioning of insurance companies in Ukraine and to formulate priority areas for the development of the domestic insurance market. The study revealed that the reasons for low demand for insurance companies by the population are due to psychological and economic factors, including: consumer distrust of insurance services due to fraud and fraud in the 90s; instability of the economy and the functioning of insurance companies; imperfection of the insurance system; low level of financial opportunities of the population of Ukraine; lack of insurance culture and as a consequence it is that insurance services are not a priority; economic instability, pandemic, hostilities; low level of specialists of insurance companies, trust and solvency of the population; imperfection of insurance rules. The insurance market is closely interrelated with the development of the national economy, as it allows to accumulate significant long-term investment resources, attracting funds through life insurance programs; expansion of the insurance business will create jobs, intensify the introduction of innovations, stimulate economic stability and mitigate the effects of global risks; effective regulation and supervision of the market will provide a basis for confidence and trust in insurers.
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