Keywords: public administration, management efficiency, management results, system of criteria


Today, Ukraine suffers from military aggression by the Russian Federation, destroying social, economic, technological, environmental, and political systems. One of the current areas that require scientific substantiation and revision is the validity and efficiency of government decisions, state programs, and public administration in general. Thus, there is an objective need for research aimed at improving the public administration efficiency. The article deals with the scientific and theoretical principles of an effective public administration to achieve long-term national goals, solve key social, economic, political problems, and crisis management. The general criteria to be met by an effective system of public administration is formed, namely: to increase efficiency and reduce costs in the public administration; to promote the achievement of the activity goal with minimal material, resource, labor costs; to satisfy the needs of society by the management results; to be adapted to crisis phenomena; to have economically expedient functioning and positive impact on the activity results of the national level.


Aggression against Ukraine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly A/RES/ES-11/1 URL: (accessed: 27.03.2022)

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How to Cite
Skibina, T. (2022). CRITERIA AND PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE PUBLIC GOVERNANCE SYSTEM. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (12), 29-36.