Keywords: food security, city farming, urban agriculture, urbanization, internal migration, demographic changes, reduction of unemployment, market research, socio-economic stability, logistics costs


The article considers the main problems that can be solved by the development of the city farming market. The United Nations estimates that the world's population will reach more than 9 billion by 2050 have been taken into account, raising food security concerns. Already today the share of the local population is more than twice that of the rural population and this process will continue to grow. It is becoming increasingly difficult for farmers to supply agricultural products to ever-growing cities. Part of the food is lost as a result of its transportation over long distances. Therefore, humanity must look for alternative ways of farming, more environmentally friendly, more productive and more reliable. To solve these problems in the early twentieth century began to create urban farms that grow food within the city, the so-called city farms, which allow you to get a bigger and more environmentally friendly crop from a smaller area with a significant reduction in delivery costs to the final consumer. The article considers the prerequisites for the development of city farming in Ukraine. A brief analytical description of the existing city farms in Ukraine, which today are mainly located in large cities. Domestic developers of automated equipment for the arrangement of city farms, which are cheaper than foreign counterparts, which increases the profitability of manufacturers. It is established that the organization of urban farming in Ukraine is possible and promising, and the market of city farms in Ukraine is gradually developing, which will increase food security for people in the city, reduce costs for supply and distribution of food produced in rural areas, develop local economy and reduce unemployment in cities by creating new jobs and social inclusion. However, the issue of prospects for the development of city farming in Ukraine, especially from an economic point of view, is practically not covered in the publications of domestic scientists, there are no meaningful studies of the city farming market and opportunities to adapt foreign models of city farms to the realities of our country. relevant and needs further research.


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How to Cite
Dudyak, N., & Barulina, I. (2022). CITY FARM DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE AS A PROSPECTIVE WAY TO OVERCOME THE FOOD CRISIS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (12), 20-28.