Keywords: small business, small business functions, entrepreneurship, business structures, socio-economic development


The purpose of the article is to provide theoretical justification and analysis of the implementation in practice of small business functions in the socio-economic development of the region. The relevance of the problem of justifying the functions of small businesses is determined by the insufficient level of its theoretical and practical development, which determined the general orientation and structure of this research. In the course of the research, general scientific methods of cognition were used, first of all, dialectical, deduction, decomposition, structuralism methodology, methods of Economic Analysis and synthesis, cluster, correlation-regression and comparative analysis, scenario approach. It is proved that one of the most important functions of a small business is its ability to productively use resources that, for various reasons, are not in demand by large businesses. Such a function of small businesses as “filling” economic niches in the reproduction of socio-economic systems of various levels and functional purposes (compaction of the reproductive structure) is highlighted. It is found that theoretical and empirical studies demonstrate contradictory processes in the implementation of small business functions at the levels. The reasons for this should be sought not only in the functions that it implements in the relevant systems at the national and local levels. It is determined that the success of small businesses is influenced by such features as: the peculiarity of the life cycle of the product produced; the integration of the production process; innovative activity in production; the share of value added in products; the scale of production, and availability of qualified personnel. The practical significance lies in the fact that the conclusions and recommendations contained in the work in the field of small business development management in the regions of the country can be used to improve the processes of development and implementation of strategic planning documents of administrative-territorial entities, programs and other tools to support small businesses in the context of overall improvement of interaction between government bodies and business structures.


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How to Cite
Stativka, N., & Drobiazko, L. (2022). THEORETICAL JUSTIFICATION OF SMALL BUSINESS FUNCTIONS AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (11), 95-101.