Keywords: financial and economic security, flour milling enterprises, probability, bankruptcy


Ensuring a stable high level of financial security is a condition for the stable operation and achievement of strategic goals of the flour milling industry. The crisis of the financial and credit, currency, banking, tax, customs systems, limited access to financial resources in the process of solving priority socio-economic problems negatively affect the financial security of enterprises at different levels of management. The need for systematic research to ensure the financial security of enterprises identified the topic of this study. The financial security of the enterprise is an integral part of economic security. Its main goal is to guarantee the stable and most efficient operation of the enterprise today and the high potential of its development in the future. The main condition of the company’s FB is the ability to withstand existing and emerging dangers that seek to cause financial damage to the company, change the capital structure or forcibly liquidate the company. The components of the financial security of the enterprise are closely interrelated and largely depend on external and internal factors. Each of the components must ensure a high level of financial security of the enterprise and effectively counter threats of all kinds. An integral part of the company’s FB research is the choice of its criteria. The criterion of FB of the enterprise is understood as a sign or the sum of signs on the basis of which the conclusion on whether the enterprise is in a state of FB or not is made. Quantitative assessment of the level of FB is obtained using indicators used in planning, accounting and analysis of the enterprise. To do this, the indicators of financial stability, break-even and liquidity of enterprises are analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, the most well-known approaches to assessing the level of FB of the enterprise, the generalized financial ratios of the enterprise were generalized and divided into three groups. In analyzing the financial condition of the enterprise using the indicator of the probability of bankruptcy. Factor models for determining the probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise were presented. The objects of our study were selected grain processing enterprises of Odessa region, namely: SE “Odessa CCP”, SE “Kulindorovsky CCP”, PJSC “Belgorod-Dniester CCP”.


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How to Cite
Sedikova, I., Sedikov, D., & Korenman, Y. (2022). FINANCIAL SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE: CONCEPTS AND EVALUATION CRITERIA. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (11), 86-94.