The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of operational security of the seaport and the feasibility of digitalization of operational processes. Statistics and research of global companies confirm the relevance of the study. The authors base their research on theoretical methods. We analyzed previous publications by areas, statistics, and technological features of the operational activities of the seaport. In the article, we have considered the prospects for the introduction of digital technologies, namely blockchain technology, in the process of organizing the processing of ships by seaports of Ukraine. Analysis of statistical indicators of Ukraine’s international activity provides insight into the importance of the transport sector for stable economic development. In addition, world research proves the possibility of introducing a blockchain in any area of human economic activity. The authors of the article identified that blockchain is already used in various fields in the world, such as finance, logistics, identity cards, retail and e-commerce, and healthcare. The authors analyzed and structured technological map of ship processing with clarification of time intervals to understand the effectiveness and practical necessity. The authors chose a typical operation of scheduling ships to study the possibilities of implementing a blockchain. The list of required information and documents corresponds to the items of the technological system. The analysis of the technological map allowed us to determine that we need 72 hours, 5 units to perform the ship processing planning operation. Contractors must add a list of parameters of the vessel, cargo and a number of documents for the safe operation of the seaport. The authors provided a graphical interpretation of the ship processing process before the introduction of innovations and the possible ship processing process after the introduction of blockchain technology for comparison. According to the results of the study, we have identified areas for improving the level of economic security of the seaport. Thus, it is planned that the introduction of innovation will reduce the cost of time for processing information, documents, requests; reduction of monetary costs for processing information, documents, inquiries; increasing the level of security of operational activities of seaports; increasing the level of competitiveness of Ukrainian ports in international transport operations.
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