The article considers the current state and trends in horticulture, in particular, in the production and market of apples and the formation of competitiveness of horticulture in Ukraine and the impact on these processes of marketing approach to the organization of production, storage, preparation and sale of apples. It has been established that over the past 20 years the industry has been modernized by planting new orchards, updating varietal composition, building infrastructure for apple production and storage, which has significantly reduced the area of apple orchards and increased apple yields by more than 4 times. However, the volume of consumption of apples by the population of Ukraine has not yet reached a rational level: it is 22–24 kg per person per year, which is only 44–50% of the rational consumption of 50 kg. The level of apple consumption in Ukraine is lower compared to developed countries. It is established that the growth of the market supply of apples is provided by one third of large horticultural enterprises using modern technologies of production, storage and appropriate product quality, and the remaining supply in the domestic market is formed by small farmers and households. The reasons for the decline in the profitability of the apple business, the imbalance of the apple market, due to oversupply during the harvest, lack of quality products, low exports, unpreparedness of the vast majority of producers for export. The main ways to overcome the problems of the industry and balance the apple market through the introduction of marketing measures in the production and promotion of products to consumers, by increasing the share of premium products by large producers, expanding geography and exports. The development of a marketing strategy for apple growers is proposed. It includes the selection of the target market and determining the optimal set of marketing elements: improving the quality of apples, changing the varietal composition according to consumer needs, the use of special packaging for storage and for transportation and sale; pricing policy; communication policy – use of advertising, sales promotion.
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