In today’s world entrepreneurs are forced to operate not only in the local or national market, but also internationally. Thanks to this they have a chance to develop their business and get more profit. In the context of international activities we can talk about internationalization. What does this concept mean and what does it mean for business owners themselves? Practically any activity of a company in foreign markets can be regarded as a signal of its internationalization. In addition, internationalization can be an element of a company’s development strategy related to its foreign expansion. The article reflects the internationalization, which allows expanding the scope of sales of goods. The main approaches, motives, reasons for this economic process are investigated and highlighted. International marketing, its specificity, main objectives and direct influence on the process of activity of enterprises are given and characterized. Speaking of internationalization, we must remember that this process can take different forms. Which one will be chosen depends not only on our personal sympathies, but also on what solution would be most beneficial for the company.
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