• Mariia Vityuk Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Eduard Yurii Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Keywords: public procurement, tender, bidding, electronic procurement system


The article examines the current state of the process of financial control in the field of public procurement. Public procurement is a tool for shaping the level of supply and demand in the national market and significantly affects the development of the competitive environment. The state spends funds to perform its functions through the mechanism of public procurement.At present, the public procurement market is in the process of formation and, as sad as it may sound, its level is much lower than that which has developed in countries with long-term market traditions. However, in order to accelerate the process of improving procurement procedures, it is necessary to study and implement world experience, in compliance with the basic principles of public procurement, development of scientific and methodological principles, methods and techniques of conducting trade operations. The primary purpose of financial control in the field of public procurement is compliance with current legislation by contracting authorities on public procurement, comprehensive detection of violations by regulatory authorities at all stages of procurement. automatic risk indicators that will help increase the effectiveness of financial control. The state is the largest producer of open and large data sets. Openness means not only transparency and easy access to information for all, but also the creation of modern financial control tools, including in the field of public procurement. It is proved that for further development of public procurement on the basis of transparency and accountability of procurement and prevention of corruption in this area it is necessary to expand the information technology environment of electronic procurement system and this requires the introduction of appropriate state financial control technologies to automate these processes. Control over public procurement during 2016-2019 has become an independent form of public financial control. Prior to that, it was included in a separate issue of the state financial audit or inspection program. The State Audit Office of Ukraine did not appoint inspections of public (public) procurement as an independent form of control in order to avoid appeals against their results by controlled institutions on formal grounds.


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How to Cite
Vityuk, M., & Yurii, E. (2021). CURRENT STATE OF THE FINANCIAL CONTROL PROCESS IN SPHERE OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (10), 101-108.