Keywords: external business, communications, internal business communications, hospitality establishments, business communications system, corporate image, efficiency


The essence of business-communications of hospitality establishments, its division into external and internal is considered in the article. The elements of the system of internal business-communications are characterized by such features as: information transmission channels, number of participants, forms of communication, the nature of information perception. The connection between the system of staff motivation and the system of internal business communications of hospitality establishments is determined. The division of the system of personnel motivation in addition to material and intangible into formal and informal is substantiated. The means of encouraging the management of their subordinates to productive work are determined. Features of verbal and nonverbal communication and the influence of information technology on the choice of form of communication are described. The principles of professional behavior of hospitality workers are considered. Means to increase the efficiency of internal communications are recommended. The definition of external business communications is given and the conditions of their use within the macro- and micro-environment are considered. The elements of the system of external business communications are described: both economic and marketing. The main tasks of external communications are defined: on the one hand, the formation of relations of the enterprise with the subjects of the external environment for economic activity, and on the other – the creation of a positive image of the hospitality institution. The content of the components of corporate image is revealed: corporate features, impression management, corporate reputation, strategic positioning. The model of formation of effective business-communications is made. The tools used in external communications to influence real and potential customers depending on the type of hospitality institution are described. Means of improving the quality of feedback when communicating with customers have been identified. Recommended ways to increase the overall efficiency of business communications of hospitality institutions by creating a multiplier effect, when internal and external communication systems operate in close connection and the optimal combination of new technologies with traditional ones, establishing close feedback when communicating with customers and between employees.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, T., Nikoliuk, O., & Nikitchina, T. (2021). EFFICIENCY OF THE BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS OF HOSPITALITY INSTITUTIONS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (10), 84-91. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2021.10.12