Keywords: process, certification tests, product, evaluation, service, certification requirement, product requirement, certification center


The contribution compounds the classification of certification tests as an important stage in confirming validations of products to quality standards, as well as the main work that is carried out in the certification process. Consideration and compounds of the product quality improvement, which is produced by domestic manufacturers, is far from a new topic. The progressive junction to a market-driven economy in the area of production facilities led to a rapid increase in the number of independent industries, the absence of state supervision over the quality and safety of goods and an increase in the risks of manufacturing low-quality products. Under presentday conditions, the process of improving quality is becoming more complex and such that it can require significant efforts. That is why certification testing services are widely spread in today's market competition. Of particular relevance in the conditions of market relations, when domestic enterprises and companies of various forms of ownership are given the right to independently enter the foreign market, the problem of assessing the quality and reliability of their products arises. To manufacture high-quality products at all stages of their life cycle, it is necessary to determine the exact mechanism for the proper confirmation of the quality and safety of a product, process or service. Therefore, along with traditional methods and means of ensuring the quality and safety of products, the most effective way to guarantee the quality of products and services and their compliance with established requirements is certification – an assessment by a third party. To achieve their goals, market participants, namely the manufacturer and the consumer, can use both regular discrepancies in the results of certification tests and conformity assessment procedures that are more beneficial to a certain party. Certification alone can provide written assurance that a product, service or process meets specified requirements. The main task of certification tests is the ability to determine the ability of products to perform expected functions under certain conditions, by obtaining its qualitative or quantitative characteristics by research methods.


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How to Cite
Pavlenko, V. (2021). CERTIFICATION TESTS AS A TOOL TO IMPROVE PRODUCT QUALITY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (10), 78-83. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2021.10.11