Keywords: communication, information, information processes, vector, enterprise, efficiency


The article considers the impact of information processes on the efficiency of enterprise management and reveals the communication vector of achieving positive results of information provided to employees. It is emphasized that without the latest technologies it is impossible to improve the efficiency of work at the enterprise. It was found that important for the disclosure of the communication vector is the information potential of the enterprise, which is understood as a set of information resources and capabilities for their implementation, providing conditions for development based on the acquisition, accumulation and use of knowledge. The types of information connections with employees are presented for the effective work of the enterprise, according to which the successful communication potential of the enterprise is established. It is established that the creation of effective communications both inside and outside the company is achieved through a well-organized communication process. In order to achieve high quality and effective management, all participants in the process must have equal access to information resources .The advantages of the enterprise which use the newest information technologies in the activity are investigated. The main vectors of well-established information processes for effective enterprise management are described, which will ensure the productivity of management relations and access to the globalization communication space. It is substantiated that the communication vector of information processes in enterprises has led to the introduction and development of informatization and communications, which may contain different numbers of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the enterprise itself. It is proved that in order to increase the effective management of the enterprise, communications are involved, where it is necessary to clearly send data and demonstrate their understanding to employees, coordinate information processes between departments and simplify their information exchange schemes. That's right, then the potential of the communication vector will be revealed with selected ways to implement effective communications in the enterprise.


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