Statistical graphic design looks like an important warehouse for digital marketing for the development of a tourist business. Tourist business in Ukraine and society is recognized for reorganization for the development of digitalization of the economy. In their turn, marketers of the tourism industry will take advantage of the new ways to get better on the tourism products of the company. The same will be required by the victorious digital marketing, and the very same methods, such as: SEO-optimization, SMO-optimization, SMM media-marketing, E-mail marketing, contextual advertising, SEM, mobile marketing and remarketing. Oscillations of leather from these methods cannot be realized without the provision of graphic design, and the digital differentiation of competitors on the tourist market is widely promoted today, until the price of warehouse growth is kept up to date. The research summarizes and investigates methods digital marketing and its application in key components of graphic design. As a result of researching the demand for online advertising, we concluded that there is a growing interest in the automation of social media and the creation of dynamic content. This can also be observed in the tourism industry. Thus, tourism in the virtual market depends almost entirely on quality, graphic design, format description, means of transmission and storage of information. We have determined that high-quality graphic design increases the value of the company, and it also strengthens the reputation and professional image. High-quality visualization not only attracts the attention of the consumer, but can also be the key to gaining the trust of tourists, which will easily expand the target audience. Also in the article, we gave examples of layout design for the design of an advertising profile on the social network Instagram. But they concluded that tourist graphics are intuitive and combined with real photos of people and picturesque places, enhances the artistic effects of advertising, thus causing emotional resonance of customers. In turn, this reinforces and is the final stage of the digital marketing strategy.
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