The article discusses ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the process of managing enterprises in the marine and river industry. It has been determined that the calculation of performance and efficiency indicators is a necessary condition for building a full-fledged management system, because these categories are integral characteristics of the management process. Moreover, they are often defined as the ratio of the values of the results obtained to the costs incurred. Based on the analysis of the scientific problem, the essence of the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness is determined, while it can be noted that these concepts do not have an unambiguous definition. It is noted that in most cases "efficiency" and "efficiency" are considered as complementary categories, and if efficiency is the ability to choose the main goal, then efficiency is the ability to use resources correctly to achieve the goal. The main thesis of the article: the effectiveness of management of enterprises of the marine and river industry is the performance of production functions, and the effectiveness of management is the achievement of economic and social effect.
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