Methods and algorithms for solving problems of introduction of economic-mathematical modeling of optimal planning of cargo transportation in order to mathematical modeling of optimal planning of cargo transportation in order to mathematical modeling of optimal planning of cargo transportation in order to increase the efficiency of agricultural enterprises in the development of market relations are studied. The need for additional conditions for creating a model of optimal transportation of two types of cargo has been established on the basis of a number of additional conditions. The scheme of the developed economic and mathematical model for calculation of optimum distribution of cargo transportations is developed. The need for additional conditions for creating a model of optimal transportation of two types of cargo has been established on the basis of a number of additional conditions. The scheme of the developed economic and mathematical model for calculation of optimum distribution of cargo transportations is developed. The essence of improvement of methods of optimization of plans of cargo transportations connected with construction of model of four index transport problem which final result will be a poor. When creating the model, it was established that there is no influence of insufficient load capacity of vehicles on the optimal distribution of work volume in tons-kilometers. Unity to receive the optimum plan under the set conditions and to conduct calculation not for all stock of production, and for that quantity of a product transported from each point is shown for one trip. The general approaches to optimization of transportation of straw and grain cargoes by the agricultural enterprises are characterized and the criteria of optimality of the received plan are resulted. The necessity of using mathematical modern methods in planning and forecasting of processes in the agricultural sector, namely the optimal transportation of products from fields to warehouses, elevators, farms, poultry farms. The growing requirements for transportation conditions that require in-depth research and calculations have also been studied. The formulation and general approach to the solution of a multi-index transport problem in general form are shown, which implies a restriction on each of the indices and observance of a number of conditions so that the problem has at least one admissible solution. The algorithm of reduction by a number of simplifying propositions of a nonlinear problem to a linear one, as well as its solutions with a minimum number of iterations, is established.
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