Effective functioning and development of the road industry is a strategic direction for any country. The relationship between other industries and enterprises that shape the country's economy depends on the activities of this industry. In order to make successful management decisions in the road industry, it is necessary to constantly monitor its condition. Therefore, the aim of the article is to determine the current trends in the functioning of the road industry of Ukraine. During the writing of the article, such research methods as theoretical were used; empirical (observations, comparisons); complex (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction). The article identifies the main subject of the road industry and its activities. The structure of road economy is specified. A comparative description of the functioning of the road industry before and after the 2018 reforms is revealed. The main problems of the road industry that need new transformations have been identified, for example: ensuring short-, medium- and long-term road development planning; improving the quality and durability of roads on the basis of design and estimate documentation and conclusions of the feasibility study; increasing the share of paved public roads, etc. The peculiarities of the activity of the State Road Fund are determined. The mechanism of financing the road economy of Ukraine from January 1, 2018 is presented. It is emphasized that the transformation of the road industry of Ukraine is carried out on the basis of European norms and principles and with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The main strategic directions of improvement and development of the industry are analyzed: corruption, digitalization, quality. Prerequisites and features of creation of the All-Ukrainian road consortium are described. The presented materials of the article can be the basis of further research of the peculiarities of the functioning of the road industry of Ukraine and be used as a practical material for management decisions and the formation of an effective mechanism for further development of this industry.
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