Keywords: preschool education, educational institutions, profit, profitability, socio-economic development, factors


The aim of the article is to study the factors that affect the profits and development of private preschools, which occupy a prominent place in the socio-economic development of the region. The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that political, social and economic processes significantly affect the socio-economic development of the region. One of the negative factors of influence is the insufficient number of state preschool education institutions and the low quality of their services. Under such conditions, it is important to create private preschool education institutions, which, unlike public ones, are self-sustaining and can provide quality educational services only if there is an acceptable level of their profitability. Therefore, it is necessary to study the state of functioning of private preschool education institutions and the factors that affect the size of their profits. Methods of research were the analysis of literary sources, statistical data processing, systematization, graphical and generalization. The article analyzes the number and subordination of preschool education institutions, which allowed confirming the fact that the state pushed to the background the private sector in preschool education in Ukraine for a long period. It is substantiated that the traditional classification of factors of preschool education development does not allow determining the directions of increasing profitability and ensuring the competitiveness of private higher education institutions. It is proposed to classify the factors of ensuring the profitability of private preschool education institutions in the context of socio-economic development of the region. The factors of the external environment (indirect and direct action) and the factors of the internal environment are distinguished. It is proved that under the special control of private preschool education institutions there should be internal factors that can be controlled by the enterprise itself. There are three main types of profit orientation: profit maximization, stable profit orientation, and profit maximization. It is substantiated that the strategy of orientation on stable income is the most acceptable for private preschool institutions.


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How to Cite
Karpenko, Y. (2021). FACTORS FOR PROFITING THE PROFITABILITY OF PRIVATE PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (9), 91-100. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2021.9.12