• Marina Zayukova Vinnytsia Humanitarian Pedagogical College
  • Natalia Evdokimova Vinnytsia Humanitarian Pedagogical College
Keywords: loyalty policy, bank rating, service problems, banking services, effectiveness, marketing research


The article examines the study of the main factors and problems of customer service of the bank from the standpoint of forming a more effective policy of loyalty to bank customers. The relevance of this topic is that the scientific literature is limited to the marketing aspect of the effective operation of banks from the standpoint of meeting the needs of customers of banking services. The main purpose of the article is to compare the results of a survey of respondents on the problems of servicing commercial banks and the factors of choosing banks to receive banking services on the main criteria by which the most comfortable banks in Ukraine are selected (based on Forbes ratings).The task of the article is to analyze the collected information on what factors influence the choice of banking institutions to provide commercial services, identify problems faced by customers to form the key foundations of an effective policy of loyalty to bank customers. The formed criteria and problems can be a basis for the formation of a policy of increase of efficiency of results of commercial banks. According to the study, the most important factors for the formation of bank loyalty are quality advice (round-the-clock technical support), full and meaningful awareness of the latest banking products, courtesy of office staff, user-friendly interface in the mobile application, convenient payment via the Internet and mobile applications with current payment systems. Customer orientation makes special requirements for a commercial bank in the field of forming the order of joining the loyalty program. On the one hand, banks are limited in pricing by the current market situation, and also they must provide physical and legal clients with the highest possible level of professional banking services. Competition among banking products is significant, but customers choose the bank not only on favorable terms of the service bank but also on the level of its comfort. Therefore, the role of such studies is extremely high and relevant in today’s business environment of commercial banks. Such researches allow more effectively forming the effective policy of activity of bank.


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How to Cite
Zayukova, M., & Evdokimova, N. (2021). THE NEED FOR MARKETING RESEARCH IN THE FORMATION OF LOYALTY POLICY TO CLIENTS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (9), 77-83.