Keywords: united territorial community, decentralization, local self-government, budget decentralization, own revenues, local budgets, general fund of local budgets


The article is devoted to the assessment of the state of implementation of the decentralization reform of public administration, aimed at ensuring, first of all, the financial and social self-sufficiency of the united territorial communities. The development of the regional economy, as well as the implementation of decentralization reform, is priority areas for the current government. During the period since the beginning of the reform, certain results have been achieved, in particular, the profitability of local budgets has increased significantly, and a number of regulations have been adopted in this area. However, despite all the positive results of the reform, the established organizational and economic mechanism for the development of rural territorial communities is not ideal and needs to be improved to ensure further development in the already formed rural united territorial communities. The purpose of the study is to identify problematic issues of development of rural territorial communities, as well as to highlight the need to improve public policy measures aimed at promoting community support and their capacity for development in the future. In writing the article used general scientific research methods such as analysis, synthesis and generalization; in particular, they were used in the division of communities into categories, determining the level of their refinement and profitability. The indicators of development of the united territorial communities are analyzed and the main sources of their financing are determined. Peculiarities of functioning of rural territorial communities, problems and factors of their vital activity are investigated. Special attention is paid to rural territorial communities in Vinnitsa region. This research serves as both a practical and theoretical example of building the financial capacity of communities and will allow them to optimize the process of filling local budgets with sufficient financial resources needed for their proper functioning and development of rural areas, in particular. Guaranteeing financial capacity will allow the community to develop confidently in the future and accelerate the process of solving existing problems.


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How to Cite
Titov, D. (2021). THE NECESSITY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (9), 26-32.