Coastal regions that are characterized by affinity of geographical, natural and other prerequisites for economic development are characterized by a number of features of the practical functioning of special sectors of economy, such as extraction of water bio resources, tourism and recreation, development of maritime transport. The purpose of the article was to analyze the economic indicators of the competitiveness of the coastal regions of Ukraine, among which it is necessary to allocate extraction of water bio resources, indicators of tourism development in seaside regions and indicators of functioning of maritime transport. It is not enough effective use of seas resources in the economic activity of the coastal regions of Ukraine. A statistical method (calculation of deviations, structures, growth rates), methods of synthesis, analysis, deduction and induction were used to carry out the analysis. According to the analysis, there is an obvious picture that in the economic sense, some regions are more competitive, due to the more efficient use of its own resources. However, an analysis of economic indicators of the competitiveness of coastal regions requires a more detailed study and other parameters of competitiveness – social and territorial development of the coastal regions of Ukraine. The practical value of the article is to identify and take into account the features of the economic complex of coastal regions, which encourages the development of individual strategies for the development of coastal regions, taking into account their specifics of the economy. For example, natural conditions for tourism development are in each coastal region, but these conditions are not fully used, there is no infrastructure, which shows indicators of tourist flows of the regions. The isolation of the seas as specific independent economic resources that create conditions for the farming on the ecosystem basis turns over the understanding of the territorial features of the region only from standard positions that are characteristic of any region: the geographical position, area, the character of relief, climatic conditions, etc.
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