Keywords: science, marketing, research, hypothesis, business


A mandatory step in the research process is the development of a hypothesis, which creates an important prerequisite for further research. The formulation of the research problem builds a preliminary explanation. Hypothesis testing sounds scientific and may seem complicated, but it can really help improve a company’s performance and get the most leads and profits. The most common mistake is to start development without testing the key hypotheses underlying the new product. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the rules of formulation of hypotheses, to determine the algorithm for scientific hypotheses and their testing in marketing activities, which will provide an opportunity to implement the problem goal in further research. The article considers a theoretical approach to the formation of scientific hypotheses that can be used in marketing research in the context of the general methodology of this process. The differences of the hypothesis from the theory are indicated, the basic requirements to the hypothesis are described, the structured approach to the marketing hypothesis is recommended, the example of marketing hypotheses on which success of a new product depends is given, and certain rules of hypothesis formulation are specified. The reliability of the experiment and its results are based on the development of a reliable hypothesis that is tested, and has many advantages, it makes you think intensively and specifically about the results of the study. Thus, it allows us to understand the meaning of the question and the various variables involved in the study. In addition, it helps to make accurate predictions based on previous research. Every business has its risks, but for any of them, the most important thing is whether potential consumers will accept value proposals based on an understanding of their needs, problems and benefits. Thus, the key action that can reduce the risk of business project failure is to better learn and understand what is really important and needed by consumers. To ensure stable and effective work in the marketing field, it is necessary to conduct research. The potential for marketing improvement depends on the formation of hypotheses. This is an extremely important task, as it will strengthen the position of the business and increase its competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Penkova, O., Korman, I., & Semenda, O. (2021). THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE FORMATION OF SCIENTIFIC HYPOTHESES IN MARKETING. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (8), 42-48.