Keywords: glamping, tourism and hotel business, formula of leisure, service sector, hospitality industry


Global challenges and the COVID-19 pandemic have become an incentive for the development and active use of new trends and efficient competitive types of tourism services. Tourism has become more family-oriented and eco-friendly, it is safer to travel around the country with a less number of people and large territories, and there is no need to keep self-isolating after coming back. One of such relatively new trends in tourism activities, which has been used for more than ten years, is outdoor leisure in glamps. Glamping as a trend in tourism and hotel business in Ukraine has been developed over the past several years. The term itself means leisure in natural settings with all conveniences including hot shower, Internet and tasty food. The possibility to change the environment, pay attention to family and relatives, discover new places of the native country inspires tourists to travel to unusual places, and expenses for such journeys can be much lower than for travelling abroad. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the prospects of developing hotels in the style of glamping as a new trend in hospitality industry under conditions of a market economy. In order to achieve the aim, we set the following tasks in the process of the research: to present theoretical generalization of the preconditions and approaches to the development of glamping in Ukraine at the present stage; to identify and analyze the main factors that have the most significant impact on the current state of glamping development; to determine the role of this business and its function in the development of the national economic complex of the country under conditions of market relations. The paper looks at the concept, principles and conception of glamping as a new trend in hospitality industry, its basic types and identifies problems and prospects of its development. The study underlines the importance of innovations and search for new creative decisions in developing an exclusive tourism product in nature reserves. It presents conclusions about maintaining further development of tourism and hotel activity in the style of glamping.


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How to Cite
Boiko, V. (2021). GLAMPING AS A NEW TREND IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (8), 22-28.