Keywords: entrepreneurship, enterprise activities, trade entrepreneurship, theory of entrepreneurship, classical and neoclassical theories, stages of entrepreneurship development


The article represent’s the studying of scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists, who have handled the development and peculiarities of the organization of entrepreneurship. Scientists, including author of the study, tend to believe that entrepreneurship is a manifestation of economic freedom of the person, who has free choice and the ability to manage their own employment so that they could achieve the greatest success. The main purpose of this study is exploring and systematization of knowledge about entrepreneurship. The methodology of this study is a historical approach to the research topic. The point of this approach is that it is necessary to explore the historical development of the term “entrepreneurship”. As a result of the study, it was found that six main theories of entrepreneurship should be noted, which examine the essence of entrepreneurship from different points of view. The study also presents the main psychological traits which entrepreneur should have. The article identified four social contexts that indicate the entrepreneurial potential of the personality. Anthropological theory indicates that the personality is influenced by social and cultural factors. Resource-based entrepreneurship theory emphasizes the importance of external and internal resources in the formation of an entrepreneur as a subject of economic performance. Considering the historical formation of the term “entrepreneurship” it is established that the first definition of this term was recorded in the 12th century, but in the main economists, scientists and entrepreneurs focused on this phenomenon since the 18th century and until now that issue remains relevant and requires constant systematization of knowledge about it.


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How to Cite
Karnaushenko, A. (2021). GENESIS OF SCIENTIFIC VIEWS AT THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF TRADE ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (8), 5-14.