The relevance of the topic of the article is characterized by the fact that currently each country uses its own model of accounting, which is formed by referring to the financial, political and social living conditions of the country. Despite the fact that today there are many classifications of accounting models, a century ago we did not have to talk about them. This is a very interesting fact: despite the rich centuries-old history of accounting, the differentiation of accounting models, scientists began to study relatively recently, in the early XX century. Under these conditions, the reasons for differences in national accounting systems, such as sources of corporate financing, legal systems, taxation, the development of the accounting profession, the rate of inflation, could be destructive to the world community. There is a need to differentiate between different schools of accounting, to identify common features that can be used for global harmonization of accounting. The purpose of this article is to compare accounting models, identify their characteristics and features. Methods of accounting modeling are considered, which are one of the main ways of business management to achieve effective solutions for adaptation to the modern economy. Legal, economic, financial and social changes significantly affect the accounting model. Analysis of such changes is mandatory because accounting modeling is a dynamic process that has a major impact on the economic environment. The role of globalization in their formation is suggested: it is, among other things, the driving force of their comparison and the solution of important problems that can be solved by their use. Research confirms that the old models do not give the desired effect to stakeholders, so the development of new models will improve the usefulness, normalization and harmonization of accounting, will increase the competitiveness of enterprises internationally and domestically and meet the needs of users of accounting information. Although accounting information is extremely valuable for planning, decision-making, and control, users need to be aware of the assumptions and limitations of specific accounting methods and models. Comparison of different accounting models, search for pros and cons of each of them allow to take a step towards the formation of a single international accounting, change the conceptual approaches to regulatory regulation of accounting practices, which is especially relevant in the global economy.
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