Keywords: biological assets, accounting, methods, cost, valuation, agricultural prod


The article considers the sectoral features of agriculture, which have a significant impact on the organization, technology and construction of accounting. The key points that have an impact on the recognition of biological assets by the enterprise are identified. Accounting Regulation (Standard) 30 (“Biological Assets”) regulates the recognition of an asset as a biological asset. The importance of valuation in determining fair value based on market price in a market economy in Ukraine is determined. The method of determining the fair value of biological assets in the absence of information on market prices is considered. Methods of valuation of biological assets and agricultural products are considered and analyzed. It is determined that the essence of the method of analysis of contracts in application is the prices set by the Commission for biological assets and agricultural products. Attention is paid to the method of analogues, according to which the valuation is carried out in an active market based on the fair value of the valuation of the asset or product. Using the method of accepting prices, a formula for calculating fair value is given. Based on the method of expert valuation, the market value of biological assets and agricultural products is determined through the application of methodological approaches defined by the legislation of independent property valuation. Methodological approaches to determining the market value of assets in accordance with the legislation on independent property valuation are identified. It is determined that the main method of the cost approach is the method of direct reproduction and the method of substitution. It is emphasized that external professional appraisal is one of the options for determining the fair value of biological assets and agricultural products through the involvement of an independent appraiser. It is noted that an expert with an appropriate certificate for such activity may be involved in the valuation of biological assets and agricultural products. The options for calculating the fair value of biological assets, the method of their evaluation are analyzed.


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How to Cite
PrystemskyiО. (2021). EVALUATION METHODS AND THE PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING FAIR VALUE OF BIOLOGICAL ASSETS AND AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (7), 164-170. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2021.7.19