Keywords: higher education, institutions of higher education, university, applicants for higher education, academic year


The current state and prospects of higher education development in Ukraine are studied. The main problem in the development of higher education in Ukraine is the lack of a long-term strategy for socio-economic development of the country, which complicates the creation of an effective model of higher education, corresponding to the goals of the country's future. The dynamics of higher education institutions in Ukraine and the number of students are analyzed. Today in Ukraine there is a decline in many demographic indexes that have a significant impact on education. Due to the deteriorating demographics of the country there is a problem of staffing enrollment at higher education institutions. This trend, with a decrease in the number of possible students, may lead to a reduction in the number of domestic universities, the closure of higher degree programs. The current trend poses the greatest threat to the reproduction of intellectual, cultural and professional capital of society and the opportunities of the country's economy for innovative development. The ways of development of higher education in modern social and economic conditions are offered. The solution to this problem may be to intensify the export of educational services. The research has found an unstable, but a steady tendency to an increase in the number of foreign students in higher education institutions of Ukraine As of the 2019-2020 academic year, 59829 foreign students studied in Ukraine. Students mainly come to Ukraine from India, Morocco, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Israel, China and other countries. The experience of highly developed countries shows that the provision of educational services to foreign students is one of the key factors of economic growth. The country receives additional funds from international students as payment for tuition, as well as the money spent on living in Ukraine. Increasing the attractiveness of higher education institutions for foreign students constantly requires improving the system of involvement and motivation.


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How to Cite
Morozova, O., Morozova, O., & Morozov, O. (2021). HIGHER EDUCATION IN UKRAINE: STATE, TRENDS AND PROSPECTS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (7), 152-163. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2021.7.18