Keywords: potential, strategy, competition, bread, bread market, strategic management, competitive advantage


The article analyzes the mechanisms for ensuring sustainable competitive advantages of the bakery industry. It is determined that strategic management ensures the achievement of sustainable competitive advantages at all stages of the enterprise life cycle, considering and applying procedural, structural, substantive, human, market and resource aspects. A digression around the definitions of the concept of "competitive potential" allowed us to formulate our own definition. From the authors' point of view, competitive potential is the ability of a business to create long-term competitive advantages and adequately respond to changes in the competitive environment. The market of bread and bakery products is analyzed and the main tendencies of its functioning are revealed, namely, in recent years the tendency of rise in price of bread with increase in prices for raw materials is traced, there was a rise in price of "bread basket" in 4 times, steady decrease in production. It is determined that one of the main problems of the market is the presence of a large shadow segment, which hinders the development of fair competition. It is proved that the basis for increasing the competitive potential of the enterprise is the management of strategic assets and competencies of the enterprise. In this study, an analysis of the competitive potential of enterprises in the bakery industry of Odessa region. The analysis of the constituent elements of the competitive potential is carried out and the main tendencies are revealed. The dynamics of financial potential indicates a high level of instability in the formation of financial resources. The analysis of the level and dynamics of the potential of the main business processes revealed a group of enterprises with problems in the production sphere due to the lack of flexible production processes, automated management systems, low consistency of supply and marketing systems. The possible level of competitive potential was calculated in the work, which reflects the creation of the maximum sustainable competitive advantages of the enterprise. This allowed us to determine the current competitive position of the enterprise and calculate the index of the actual use of competitive potential.


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How to Cite
Sedikova, I., Durbalova, N., & Novichkov, V. (2021). STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPETITIVE POTENTIAL OF BAKERY INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (7), 104-112.