The article is devoted to the study of the issue of ensuring the competitiveness of products and the enterprise as a whole. Competitiveness is one of the leading categories of today's economic science, with which the successful functioning of enterprises in competitive relations, stability and efficiency of the development of the market system as a whole are traditionally associated. At the present stage of the global development of the national economy, the competition between single-industry enterprises is intensifying. This is closely related to the integration of Ukraine into the international economic space, penetration of strong transnational corporations into the state market of the country. This is what reduces the competitive leadership of Ukrainian enterprises in the struggle for leadership. That is why the problem of raising the competitiveness of products and services of national enterprises to a higher level has a priority role at the current stage of development, and is of paramount importance for the growth of the Ukrainian economy. Competitiveness, today, is the most important factor in achieving commercial success and is the most important factor that affects the competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole, therefore each company seeks to find ways to improve it. At the present stage of global development of the national economy, competition between single-industry enterprises is intensifying. This is closely connected with the integration of Ukraine into the international economic space, the penetration of the state market of strong transnational corporations. This is what reduces the competitive leadership of Ukrainian enterprises in the struggle for supremacy. That is why the problem of raising the competitiveness of products and services of national enterprises to a higher level has a priority role at the current stage of development, and is of paramount importance for the growth of the Ukrainian economy. The issues of researching the competitiveness of enterprises are important and relevant both for the country's economy as a whole and for individual producers. In market conditions, high competitiveness of business entities is the key to obtaining high and stable profits. High competitiveness is the main condition for the development and operation of the enterprise.
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