Keywords: mission of the enterprise, strategic goals of the enterprise, elements of the formation of the mission, suboptimization, interests of market participants, the participants of the microenvironment of the enterprise


The competitive environment of the market involves interaction in the same space of economic entities, whose interests are often opposite in meaning - entrepreneurs, consumers of goods and services, employees, suppliers of raw materials, partners, social and political institutions, and others. Therefore, answering the question: “How are we going to achieve an increase in the income of our enterprise?”, the manager has to take into account both internal and external features of the environment, which are constantly changing over time, because the long-term functioning of the business is impossible in conflict conditions. Among the strategic management tools that contribute to the optimal combination of interests of market entities is the mission of the enterprise. It creates socio-psychological conditions for the humanization of business and the socialization of the economy as a whole. The study examines the theoretical foundations and practical features of the formation of the mission of a research economy on the example of the "Experimental farm "Kopany" of "the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine" of the Belozersky district of the Kherson region. The task is to improve the strategic management toolkit for a reasonable choice of the enterprise's mission. The study set the following tasks: determine the essence of the concept of the mission of the enterprise and its elements, to summarize the features of the functioning of research farms in the agricultural sector of Ukraine in comparison with other enterprises, substantiate the choice of the mission of the research farms based on the analysis of the economic and organizational indicators of the enterprise's activity related to the mission. In the course of work on the topic, results were obtained that have independent scientific and practical significance: it was proposed to use the suboptimization method to justify the mission; certain differences between suboptimization and optimization; it is recommended to determine the strategic goals of the enterprise taking into account the analysis of the requirements of the participants in the microenvironment.


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How to Cite
Muhina, I., & Horundjy, I. (2021). JUSTIFICATION OF THE CHOICE OF THE MISSION OF THE RESEARCH ENTERPRISE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (7), 81-90. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2021.7.10