The article outlines ways to solve the main problems in the tourism industry market. Crisis phenomena in excursion activities by COVID-19 in Volyn region are considered. Given the tertiary sectors of the economy, tourism is a major part of socio-economic development. However, due to the spread of the coronavirus, the tourism industry is one of the sectors of the economy that has suffered the most, in particular due to restrictions on the movement of tourists, quarantine, air travel bans and more. It was found that today there is a significant lag in the pace of recovery of the tourism sector, which poses a serious threat to the economy of Volyn region. At the same time, the Center for Tourist Information and Services provided proposals for overcoming the crisis, the implementation of which will promote the development of sightseeing activities, as well as address the effects of the pandemic that affect the economy of the tourism industry of Volyn region. At present, it is difficult to predict the ways development of excursion activity in a pandemic, because strategic plans in the current environment are difficult to plan, but still expected to increase the number of domestic tourism consumers, who due to quarantine restrictions, began to develop and promote inbound and domestic tourism. As for consequences of the COVID-19 in excursion activity, the Volyn region is in a relatively better situation than the Lviv region. A city like Truskavets has suffered the most from quarantine restrictions, where for 20 thousand people living in the city, there are 600 doctors and 2 thousand medical staff who suddenly lost their jobs. Guides predict that excursion activities in the Volyn region will resume in two years. It is expected that in 2022 it will be possible to return to the influx of tourists that was in 2019. But this will happen under favorable conditions, when vaccination against COVID-19 will be carried out, when excursion activities will attract foreign tourists. The time of the so-called tourist silence should be used to creation cultural initiatives to encourage tourists to visit the Volyn region. It should be noted that the Volyn region is gradually implementing measures that reduce the impact of COVID-19 on the excursion activities, namely, introduces tours online and create new types of tourism products that could be of interest to tourists. And thanks to a number of these measures, the region can continue to develop its tourism potential.
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