Keywords: strategy, corporate strategy, functional strategy, operational strategy, competitive strategy, competitiveness, agricultural enterprises


The efficiency of economic activity of enterprises in the agricultural sector depends on how economically justified they are developing their own system of strategies that are most competitive and relevant in a market environment. The strategy determines how the enterprise will function and develop, as well as what entrepreneurial, competitive and functional measures and actions will be taken in order for it to achieve the desired state. The introduction of strategies will allow the enterprise to take a stable position in the market and will contribute to the competitive development of the entire agro-industrial complex of the country. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical issues of the formation and classification of strategies of agricultural enterprises as an effective tool for ensuring their competitiveness. The article presents the theoretical approaches of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the definition of the concept of "strategy". But, since agricultural enterprises operate in a certain competitive environment, which significantly affects their activities, further study requires the formation and implementation of strategies in the agricultural sector. Taking into account the goals, resource potential, financial condition of the enterprise, internal and external environments of functioning, a classification of strategies of agricultural enterprises has been developed, the types of strategies have been considered and systematized. The approaches to the formation and implementation of corporate, competitive, functional and operational strategies are presented, their classification is given and the features of the application of each type of strategy at the enterprises of the agricultural sector are determined. The approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept of "competitive strategy" are given, the types of competitive strategies of agricultural enterprises by classification criteria are presented. The conditions and factors influencing the formation of competitive strategies are determined. The advantages that agricultural enterprises will achieve with the right choice of competitive strategies are determined. A significant number of strategic alternatives have been identified that need to be adapted to the development conditions of a particular agricultural enterprise. The proposed system of strategies for agricultural enterprises makes it possible to choose strategies for a particular enterprise and guarantee the achievement and maintenance of a high level of competitiveness in the long term.


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