Keywords: innovative, financial resource potential, strategy, agricultural enterprise


For the effective functioning and competitiveness of agricultural enterprises it is necessary to develop qualitatively logistical, structural-functional, social-labor and other elements of potential. The key to this is the assessment and effective use of the innovative and financial resource potential of the agricultural enterprise as a basis for the successful development system. Given the current challenges of the competitive environment and global globalization to effectively support the development of domestic agricultural enterprises, only a revision of the innovation and financial strategies becomes relevant for the further functioning of agricultural enterprises.The basis of the enterprise's innovation potential is staffing, material and technical components, as well as the availability of scientific, technical and intellectual property. Financial potential is the amount of own, borrowed and attracted financial resources of an enterprise, which it can dispose of for the implementation of current and prospective expenses, as well as the possibility, ability and necessity of both simple and extended reproduction in order to ensure sustainable, dynamic and balanced development of agricultural enterprises. The main directions of the strategy of innovative regional development are: target market, product position, product range, pricing, advertising, product promotion, sales promotion, marketing research. The financial strategy of agricultural enterprises primarily involves timely and objective assessment of the financial situation in the current environment and is of great importance, which allows to identify the potential for increasing revenues that can be identified only on the basis of timely objective analysis of the financial situation. In order to make rational management decisions in agriculture, modern technologies allow to identify deficiencies and risks in technological processes. By introducing innovative technologies into the activities of agricultural enterprises, investment funds work not only on strategic plans but also on tactical opportunities, saving land, production, labor and financial resources of agriculture.


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How to Cite
Kovtun, V. (2020). AREAS OF INNOVATION AND FINANCIAL STRATEGY OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 124-131. Retrieved from